Jesse Bogdanovich

Jesse Bogdanovich is a 100% raw vegan for over 14 years and has over 6 years experience of supporting people in overcoming physical and emotional health challenges.

He wants to show people how easy it is to create wellness through overall lifestyle design in a positive manner. He has overcome all kinds of physical and emotional challenges himself.

An allergic reaction to a vaccine turned him from a healthy baby into a very sick one. This led to many years of disability and ill health, until he discovered water-fasting, but only when he found the raw diet at 21 years of age he became really healthy and happy.

Getting well and a desire to support others lead him to traveling the world studying with health experts and the majority of the leading raw food experts. Now he is a co-founder of The Cure Is In The Cause Foundation.

He is also the founder of The Whole Lifestyle and runs a health retreat. Passionately dedicated to making a positive difference in the world and supporting people in becoming healthier and happier through sharing information about a healthy lifestyle.

Because of acute health challenges he have gone through, he has been inspired to undercover all things which bring us into disharmony with nature. In his opinion there is no need to reinvent anything, just to follow nature’s path and keep it simple.

Jesse is living proof that an active natural lifestyle, peace in your heart and living food diet is the most powerful way to heal and be truly happy in life!

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